Thursday, November 18, 2010

Nine more days and...what was that? Oh No!

Ah...Ah...Ah...CHOOOOO!  Yup.  That's right...a sneeze.  Not just any sneeze, but a SNEEZE...probably from allergies.

Around here, we usually spend October locked in an allergic grip.  However, this year has been different.  We have had unusually warm weather since September. My yard is normally brown and crunchy (Bermuda grass) by October.  It has just turned brown and started to get crunchy a day or so ago.

Mr D usually starts the allergic symphony, followed by me and Miss B shortly after.  Mr D has been sneezing for the past week.  I guess I have started now.  Miss B will be joining us within aa few days.

Our very first trip to Disney was in the spring when the 3 of us were in our Spring symphony of allergic sneezes. At that time I was glad it wasn't the fall bout. Fall is much worse for us.  I thought I had planned this trip so that the allergies would be over with by the time we leave ...I mean it gave us 6 whole weeks to get rid of it!

I will now stock up on Calritin for the least they won't have to deal with it too much.  I just have to find something I can take.  Claritin is very sedating for me.  So far I haven't found anything that works without putting me nighty night.

(did I mention that sneezing makes my throat hurt....) I really wanted to make this trip without even thinking about my neck.  Guess THAT isn't happening!

OK...enough whinning.  Back to the Disney planning and sewing!


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