Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Really? Tide? Clean up your act!

This has been bothering me for some time.  There are two current commercials out for Laundry detergents that have me scratching my head.

In one, a teenager is aking her mom where her favorite green shirt replies that it is not 'her' style, while scenes show Mom clearly wearing the shirt, getting a stain on it.  Mom runs up to the laundry basket, pulls out the green shirt and washes it with their detergent.  Next scene shows daughter wearing the shirt with Mom making a comment about finding which daughter replies, it must have been hiding in her closet somewhere.

In the second, Dad and two sons are about to eat something they know they shouldn't eat.  The boys make a comment that Mom is gonna 'kill him'.  Dad promptly drops something on her table cloth, and quickly runs to the laundry room, with the boys yelling "busted".  Flash forward to everyone standing around a nice freshly laundered table cloth and mom asking whats going on.  To which the dad gives the boys a sign to be quiet!

What are these two commercials teaching us and our kids?  that we should LIE??? Come on now.  How can they expect us to equate cleaning with their product to the dirty habit of lieing?

I try to teach my kids to tell the truth.  We all know that the truth always comes out...isn't it better for it to come from us and not someone else? we really need Tide telling us it is ok to lie to our families?  Even encouraging it?  Come on now...time to clean up your act Tide!


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