Monday, August 16, 2010

First Day of School observations

Yup.  We have officially had our first...

So, my first thought is why in the world are there so many 'buzzard-like' birds in the trees on our street?  Looks kinda like a scene from the old Hitchcock thriller "Birds"!!! On the way to school, I answered that question...there are three deer that did not make it to the other side of the road.

My next question is....How many negative interactions do you have to have with a person before you can truthfully say, "this will not be a positive relationship"?  I have had three interactions with the principal of my kids school.  Not a single one has been positive.
1- Where he informed me that since he has no direct knowledge of racial bullying in his school, he cannot believe it is happening.  Right...because we all know that bullies love to pick on other children in FRONT of the principal!
2- During an IEP meeting with me he explains that having Mr D miss a half day of school to attend what he considers to be a 'non medically necessary doctor's' appointment will hurt his school's bottom line.  (In his defense, the principal is a 'doctor'...just not a medical doctor and highly UN-qualified to determine what is medically necessary )
3- This morning, where he informed me I cannot park in the handicapped section to take my son into class.  Even though I have a handicapped placard in my vehicle.  Both my son and I each have one.  But they were evidently meant for other people and not for us!

I have a feeling this is going to be a L O N G school year!


1 comment:

Cathy said...

Go right to the board and the superintentdent! Show them these three interactions! Do it now!!! Or it will be a LONG year! Good luck!