Monday, August 30, 2010

Desperately seeking weight loss ideas

First a bit of back story.

Growing up I was always skinny!  Very SKINNY!!  If anorexia had been around then in the minds of people other than doctors, everyone would have thought I was.  I had a very healthy appetite, just great metabolism and never gained an ounce. I wore a size 4 (back then it was really really hard to find any size smaller than that) but since I was 5' 10'' I had to wear a size 8 because that was the smallest size a tall came in then.  I always looked like I was wearing clothes that were a million sizes too big (which I was) and that made me look even skinnier!  Soaking wet I MIGHT weigh 80 or 85 pounds!

First baby took care of that!  I gained 100 pounds with him.  The doctor was worried I was underweight and told me not to worry about loosing the metabolism would take care of the extra!  Famous last words!

Said baby is almost 33 now.

So, for the past 33 years I have been overweight.  But, truthfully I have never had trouble loosing the weight for special occasions.  Like, a few years ago, we had Weight Watchers at work.  There was a prize for the most problem.  I quickly lost 20 pounds during the 12 weeks without even trying hard.  Kept it off for almost a year, but then came back.

Last year for Disney I wanted to loose at least 30 pounds.  I started in February and lost 30 pounds relatively easy by our September trip to Disney.  Now it has all come back...along with about 20 extra.

This trip has been in the planning stages since January.  We leave in 89 days.  I have done the same things as in the past, but I have continued to gain.  I tried Alli...but I don't eat enough fat to make it work!  I mean I had to work hard at eating 15 grams of fat at each meal!

I try to eat relatively healthy...only one helping of whatever we eat, no snacking, and stay as active as I can with my arthritis.  I actually eat about half what I feed to either of the kids.

In the past, both Weight Watchers and South Beach have worked for me.Will power is never my problem...

Right now, I can eat two to three bites of food before I feel full. I am eating ...probably only one meal a day.  I just don't get hungry.  But still the weight keeps creeping up.  Since July 4th  (when I had that tummy thing where I lost 10 pounds that weekend) I have gained over 30 pounds...while DIETING!

I need to jumpstart this thing...but I really don't know how.  I've read and researched all the 'old wives tales' about eating more to trick your metabolism to loosing well as all the medical stuff about why not to do each of these things.

So, tell me... what are your weight loss trick .  I mean I really am tired of looking like I did when I was 8 and a half months pregnant with my first kid!


1 comment:

Cathy said...

Have your thyroid checked may be that??? I am a little annoyed with my diet right now too. Hope it works out!!!