Thursday, September 9, 2010

Good news/Bad News

Good News...My surgery is tentatively scheduled for Sept 20.  Disney is still on, although I may not be able to ride all the rides I want to, I still plan on having a ton of fun!

Bad News...I can't take most of my arthritis medicine between now and the surgery date...and for 3 months AFTER!

I am already feeling the no meds part, after only one day.  Of course, I also discovered that most of what I won't be able to do for a while after surgery...I can't really do now!

Sweeping is out.  Moving furniture is out. Reaching over my head is out.  Bending is out. Sitting for very long is out. Getting comfortable in any position is out.

Of course there will be a few more things I can add to that list after surgery, but I think I am getting an early dose of what to expect...LOL!

Seriously, my type of arthritis has good days, bad days and some great days thrown into the mix.  I think it is a coincidence that I am having a bad day the first day after stopping some of the meds. I have gone a few days without meds before with no real adverse effects (like when I can't seem to remember to pick up my meds at the pharmacy!)

I guess I don't really need to get all the stuff on my list done today...right?


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