Monday, February 15, 2010

Evidently I am a 2 year old.  I have a double ear infection.  I have no fever, but I have the ear ache like crazy!  My left ear is so stopped up I can barely hear out of it, and the right isn't much better!  Bending down causes so much pressure I think I  will scream.

How in the world does a 2 year old do this?  Mine were always cranky with an ear infection, but this is beyond cranky!  I just want to sit on the couch (can't lie down, hurts too much) and cry, or sleep, or something!

I know the house is beyond dirty, but I really don't care...much.  It takes me an hour just to get the dishwasher loaded.  I have my new toy, Bubba, down in the studio and haven't felt like going down all weekend.  I have two outfits almost completed, but they will have to wait.  I'm so dizzy I don't think I could make the trip downstairs.

Hubby wants to go take Mr D to get some new shoes this afternoon.   (Cissy got mad at him and threw them in the trash.  Unfortunately the garbage man came before we knew this....) Truthfully, even the prospect of a shopping trip isn't making me want to try to go out!  Hey, maybe I am feverish after all!


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