Hope everyone had a safe and happy New Year's Eve! Here at the Morris household we had our customary chips, dips, sodas and staying up until at least 12:01! This year Daddy is going back on days Jan 1, so he had to be up for work at 5am.
So, now I'm forced to think about the new year and my resolutions...if I must, I must! Since our Disney trip will be Nov/Dec this year, a lot of my year will revolve around getting things ready for the trip. Let's see 10 days, two girls, at least two dresses per girl...not to mention shirts for the rest of us to 'match'...yup...I'll be busy!
But first on the agenda is moving my sewing/quilting studio from the over the garage bonus room down to the basement apartment. Much larger, bright, open, and lots of room for my 12 foot quilting machine and sewing machines to share!
The actual move will take place next Saturday. For the next week I have to get everything packed up and ready to move (a total of 3 rooms are being repurposed!)
I plan on loosing at least 30 more pounds before Disney (while hubby is shooting for 50); and our youngest son is going to have ot go on a more restrictive diet as he has gained over 30 pounds this year (he is 8)...of course most of that is medicine induced weight, but he still needs to get fit!
I will spend more time with my family and cherish each day that passes...both the good and the bad...since we know first hand how fragile and short life can be.
And I will spend more time in prayer for my extended family! One of my husband's favorite cousins has breast cancer and even a year after the double mastectomy and all that chemo...she still has a long way to go. I realized this morning, other than the casuual prayer, I haven't even thought much about her! Seeing that video of her at Christmas really brought it all home to me!
And last, I will spend more time on myself. A few medical problems these past few monhts has made me realize that if I don't take better care of myself, I won't be able to take care of my family...
Sorry this is so long (of course, when have I ever been brief!!) but I think a new year and new decade deserve a bit of attention!
So...what are your plans for the new year?
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