Saturday, October 24, 2009

Change...good...or Bad?


Sometimes it is good.  Like getting a new grand child.  Sometimes it is bad. Like loosing someone you love.

Now comes a change that is somewhere in the middle.  Facebook.

I do not like the new Facebook.  (that could quite possibly be the world's biggest understatement.)  It is CROWDED!  I really don't care who is friends with whom.  Or who became the latest fan of some commercial site.  Or who made a comment to someone's status.

Those little red numbers on the bottom right was enough to drive me crazy!  They did a nice job of telling me who responded to my comment.  (as well as a ton of useless information!) If I really wanted to know how many responded to Sally's comment that she was eating breakfast, I could 1)like the comment and the little red numbers would keep be abreast of who responded...(ad nauseum) or 2) look!  I don't need a picture of who responded and an announcement telling the world that Susie thinks Sally's breakfast is yummy.

Now, the new and improved Facebook is full of useless bits of information that clog up the screen.  Do I really need it to keep up with family and friends?  I think not.

After all, if I want to let someone know what I am doing, I can write it here.  Or, I could send an email.  Or, I could pick up the phone.  See there are lots of ways I can communicate without Facebook.

True, I will miss out on all those nifty games, puzzles, quizzes, ads...(hmm, maybe this is not such a bad thing to miss out on!)  I will regain several hours of my day.  I will miss out on the stress of not being able to get everything to fit in the alloted number of spaces.

Of course, Facebook really doesn't care that they will loose one subscriber.  After all they have millions and millions waiting to take my airspace.  

Maybe I'll send an announcement that I am leaving Facebook forever and see what happens.  Do you think Facebook will call me, and say they are sorry they made a mess of my news feed? Do you think they will apologize and beg me to come back with promises to never again mess with my Facebook?  Probably not.

Hi, my name is Jean and I am adicted to Facebook.


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