Wednesday, July 6, 2011

I Pod...anyone?

A little over two years ago, I had this great idea.  Since we were going on a trip to Disney, I thought Miss B should have a nice small I Pod to listen to during the long car ride.  Valentine's Day, she received a cute pink Ipod Shuffle with her name engraved on it.

That I Pod disappeared before we ever made it to Disney.  True, it has turned up a couple of times since then, but only once since the trip.

Fast Forward to this Valentine's Day.  I asked her if she would like a new I Pod for this trip.  She was all excited...couldn't WAIT to see what she got...a nice lime green I Pod with no engraving...she was beyond happy.  Her I Pod has been her constant companion since February.

We decided to get Mr D an I Pod  for Easter.  Same reason.  Another trip to Disney.  His was a cute blue engraving.  It disappeared during our trip to Savannah.

(Now, in all fairness, I have to say I thought the hotel staff had taken it.  We left a bag on the bed that had the earphones in it, and when the I Pod disappeared, I was sure it was in the same bag.  Of course the hotel denied ever seeing it...even though the knew what color it was)

Because we used that I Pod as a reward system for Mr D, we really needed it, so Hubby found a white one at a pawn shop for $20.  Then, on Friday, the kids were getting some stuff out of the car and guess what they found...a cute blue I Pod...

Yesterday, the kids were playing in Mr D's room and guess what they found...that RIGHT!  A Pink I Pod with Miss B's name engraved on it!

So, now we have 4 I Pods for 2 kids.  (Not including Mom's)  I think my kids have too much electronics!


1 comment:

Sahmy said...

I firmly believe that all kids' electronics should come with a tracking device in them. LOL