So, my last rant was on technology. I'm thinking this one might be as well!
My printer STILL refuses to work! It keeps telling me there is a paper jam and there is nothing there. I know there is a way to reset the error message, but can not find it! The manual is less than helpful. It tells me to "remove the paper'! I already KNOW this part! I am waiting until 9 am to make the call to Epson...hopefully they will be able to help me. This printer is only a few months old and I am NOT buying another one!
I am trying to learn some new software for the embroidery business. I have lost several orders because I can't personalize the outfits with the Disney font. I have a free version of SEU that has allowed me to do just that. THANKS JILL FOR THE HELP!!
But, I can't seem to make it work for purchased fonts. There is so many cute and adorable fonts out I downloaded a free trial version of Embird. Since it is one of the programs that most digitizers use I thought it would be a good investment.
Now, that is the only thing I have downloaded to the computer (plus we did add a anew flat screen...but no new software). Now, for the past 4 days I have been unable to load anything on the thumb drives. Well, more accurately, I can't get the embroidery machine to recognize anything that I load to the thumb drives. It still only shows the original 4 or 5 design on each drive.
Actually, this problem didn't appear when I downloaded the program, because since then I have downloaded a couple new designs and had no problems getting those to be seen by is just adding anything on to the thumb drives that seems to be a problem.
I plan on getting a new thumb drive and see if the problem is in the actual thumb drive...because the old computer won't let me add anything to the thumb drives either...
I have all this work to do and can't get ANY of it to the actual machine....what a wasted day!
I guess I 'll have to sit by the pool instead...
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