Thursday, April 3, 2008

Quilting Classes are Coming!

Exciting news around here! Starting this month (April) we will be having quilting lessons every fourth Friday at the church fellowship hall. Dianne is spearheading and organizing the effort. She is a proficient hand quilter and even has a quilt hanging at the Smithsonian!

While I am not sure I am ready to learn hand quilting at this point in my career, I am excited to be able to meet with other quilters and have the fellowship. I'm not sure if mt girls will be coming or not, but I know Brianna wants to come with me. We'll have to see about that.

Now, should I look at this as a way to get my business name out there? This is the part I'm having problems with. I don't want to actively 'sell' my business at this function, but I don't want to loose a chance to let more people know about my business. I'm afraid this is going to be a sticky point for me. I don't like taking advantage of situations like this, but I know at some point it will be a natural progression in our discussions...

Right now I have plans on getting new business cards as well as drafting some sort of brochure focusing on how to prepare your quilt to be professionally machine quilted. Just in case...

Well, that is it for this morning. I'm STILL practicing my feathers... eventually I will get something I don't mind letting the world see, but for now, I'll keep them under wraps!


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