Friday, May 20, 2011

Time to BRAG!

A few years ago, we tried to get Miss B tested for advanced classes at school.  I mean she did get out of Kindergarten reading on a 6th grade level.  You would think they would have some sort of program for gifted kids that were bored out of their mind in SECOND grade.

Her teacher at the time said she did not qualify for even testing for the gifted classes.  She felt Miss B was struggling in class...even though she was making straight A's.  She would not pay attention in class and didn't do her homework at home...she did it at school during class and her teacher wouldn't let her turn it in early, so she just didn't turn it in.

(I am no expert, but it seems to me if a student was bored in class and make straight A's that is not exactly struggling, that is true boredom!)

Shortly after, we started home schooling.

During our last days at that public school, she was recognized by the school board as having aced her CRCTs.

Today, she graduated the fifth grade with several awards.  Among award for scoring the highest (a perfect score) on the language arts part of her CRCTs.  She also won an award for highest score (of her class) on her standardized writing test.  She also got her award for the Beta Club, for being on the merit roll, and a couple of others.  One she did not get was perfect attendance.  But, very few of the kids that got the perfect attendance award got very many other awards.

Who says Disney School isn't a learning experience?


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